Study Outlines

October 24th-30th: Ezekiel 1-3; 33-34; 36-37; 47

Whelp we came across the realization that as much as I love the Institute Manual, having it and the Old Testament Study Guide is more than we can handle in one sitting, so my kiddos voted to try just the Study Guide for next week. Since we’re still trying to figure things out I will continue to have the resource list in the post. If you are printing the outline to follow as you study, I recommend pulling it up on the computer > highlight just the outline text > right click and print from that menu. 💕

Resource List
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Monday, Oct 24th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

DMT – Timeline picture & Word of the Week

Big Picture Monday with Cali Black

OTSG – Introduction to Ezekiel

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, Oct 25th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Ezekiel 1:1-3
OTSG (1:1)-1, (1:1)-2, & (1:2-3)

Read Ezekiel 1:4-14
OTSG (1:4-5), (1:5-8, 10), (1:9-12), & What Did Ezekiel See When the Heavens Were Opened? (Ezekiel 1:3-4)

Read Ezekiel 1:15-25
OTSG (1:16-21), (1:18), (1:20-21) & (1:22-24)

Read Ezekiel 1:26-28
OTSG (1:26-28)-1, & (1:26-28)-2

Read Ezekiel 2:1-5
OTSG (2:1)

Read Ezekiel 2:6-10
OTSG (2:6-7), (2:8-9), (2:9-10) & What Was Ezekiel’s Mission to the House of Israel? (Ezekiel 2)

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, Oct 26th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Ezekiel 3:1-14
OTSG (3:1-3), (3:4), (3:5-7), (3:8-9), & (3:12-14)

Read Ezekiel 3:15-21
OTSG (3:17), (3:18-19), (3:20-21)

Read Ezekiel 3:22-27
OTSG – Summary of Ezekiel 3:22-27, & Summary of Ezekiel 4-5

Read Ezekiel 33:1-11
OTSG (33:2-6), (33:3), (33:5), (33:7-9), (33:8), & (33:11)

Read Ezekiel 33:12-16
OTSG (33:14-15) & (33:15-16)

Read Ezekiel 33:17-33
OTSG – Summary of Ezekiel 33:17-33

Closing Prayer

Thursday, Oct 27th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Jeremiah 34:1-10
OTSG (34:2), (34:3), & (34:4-6)

Read Jeremiah 34:11-31
OTSG (34:11-12), (34:12), (34:13-14), (34:15-16), (34:17-22), (34:23-24), (34:25), (34:29), & Summary of Ezekiel 35

Read Ezekiel 36:1-24
OTSG – Summary of Ezekiel 36:1-24

Read Ezekiel 36:25-38
OTSG (36:25), (36:26-27)-1, (36:26-27)-2, (36:29), (36:31-36), (36:35), & (36:37-38)

Closing Prayer

Friday, Oct 28th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Ezekiel 37:1-14
OTSG (37:1), (37:2-5), (37:4-6), (37:7-10), & (37:11-14)

Read Ezekiel 37:15-28
OTSG (37:16-17), (37:19), (37:20-22), & (37:26-27)

Read Ezekiel 47:1-12
OTSG (47:1), (47:1-2), (47:3-5), (47:8-10), (47:12) & Temple and Family History Work Can Bring Healing (Ezekiel 47:1-12)

Read Ezekiel 47:13-23
OTSG – Summary of Ezekiel 47:13-23 & Summary of Ezekiel 48

Closing Prayer

Saturday, Oct 29th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

DRAWN IN Flashback Episode: 2 Nephi 29 – So Happy TWOgether!

Closing Prayer

Sunday, Oct 30th –

Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

DRAWN IN Old Testament Episode: Ezekiel – Watchmen, Shepherds, & Bones! Oh My!

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