Lesson Plan Outlines

June 20th–26th: 2 Samuel 5–7; 11–12; 1 Kings 3; 8; 11

Monday, June 20th –
The Lord can give me direction

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (Y)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend MagazineDRAWN IN
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

I can pray – Boy
I can pray – Girl

Individuals & Families Manual: 

2 Samuel 5:19, 23. pg 115

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

If I need guidance, I can ask Heavenly Father. (2 Samuel 5:19, 23) pg 101
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2
c – Possible Activity #3

Individuals & Families Manual: 

The Lord can give me direction. (2 Samuel 5:17-25) pg 114

Friend Magazine:

1 – The Video Question pg 39
2 – What’s on Your Mind? pg 40

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

In Lagos, Nigeria pg 6

Liahona Magazine:

Getting the Most out of Parent-Child Time (US & Canada Section) pg U10


Old Testament Episode: 1 Samuel 18-31 – You got a FRIEND in me

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, June 21st –
What is the “house” the Lord promised to David?

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Jesus says “Come Follow Me”

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ is our King. (2 Samuel 7:16-17) pg 102-103
a – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

What is the “house” the Lord promised to David? (2 Samuel 7) pg 114

Liahona Magazine:

Recent Temple Dedications (US & Canada Section) pg U2

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Jesus Christ is our King. (2 Samuel 7:16) pg 102
a – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

2 Samuel 7:16. pg 115


Understanding the Davidic Covenant (Week 26, Part 2/5)

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Jesus Christ is our King. (2 Samuel 7:16) pg 102
a – Possible Activity #2 (Ignore the activity page)

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ is our King. (2 Samuel 7:16-17) pg 102-103
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine:

1 – Following Jesus Together pg 28
2 – No Place Like Home pg 30

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, June 22nd –
I should always be on guard against sin

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualYW & AP ManualPrimary Manual (O)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

David and Mephibosheth Coloring Page

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can overcome temptation. (2 Samuel 11) pg 103
a – Bullet #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

I should always be on guard against sin. (2 Samuel 11; 12:1-14) pg 114

Sunday School Manual:

We should always be on guard against sin. (2 Samuel 11) pg 51
a – Bullet #1

YW & AP Manual:

Learn Together pg 35
a – Bullet #1

Friend Magazine:

Come, Follow Me Activities – The Lamb Story pg 7

YW & AP Manual:

1 – Prepare Yourself Spiritually pg 34-35
2 – Learn Together pg 35
a – Bullet #3
b – Bullet #2

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can overcome temptation. (2 Samuel 11) pg 103
a – Bullet #2


David and Bathsheba (Week 26, Part 3/5)

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

Living My Standards pg 26

Sunday School Manual:

We should always be on guard against sin. (2 Samuel 11) pg 51
a – Bullet #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

2 Samuel 11. pg 115

Liahona Magazine:

How We Can Overcome a Lust-Filled World pg 17

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Protecting families from pornography. (Additional Resources) pg 52

Closing Prayer

Thursday, June 23rd –
The temple is the house of the Lord

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (Y)Liahona MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Primary Activity Page
The Temple of Solomon

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

1 – Jesus Christ is our King. (2 Samuel 7:16) pg 102
a – Possible Activity #2 (JUST the activity page)
2 – I can walk in the ways of God. (1 Kings 8:57–58) pg 102
a – Possible Activity #1

Friend Magazine:

Friends by Mail pg 1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

The temple is the house of the Lord. (1 Kings 8:12-61) pg 115

Sunday School Manual:

Temples bring blessings. (1 Kings 8:22-61) pg 52
a – Bullet #1

Liahona Magazine:

1 – Hurry to the Temple (Latter-Day Saint Voices) pg 26
2 – My Father and the Temple (Come, Follow Me) pg 44

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can walk in the ways of God. (1 Kings 8:57–58) pg 102
a – Possible Activity #2

Liahona Magazine:

1 – The Temple Garment: A Sacred Reminder of the Lord Jesus Christ (Digital Only: YA) pg Digital Only
2 – Finding My Testimony of the Temple Garment (Digital Only: YA) pg Digital Only


Solomon’s Temple (Week 26, Part 4/5)

Closing Prayer

Friday, June 24th –
Where is my heart turned?

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualLiahona MagazineDRAWN INBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Wise King Solomon divides the child

Individuals & Families Manual: 

The gift of discernment helps me distinguish between right and wrong. (1 Kings 3:1-15) pg 114

Sunday School Manual:

“His heart was not perfect with the Lord.” (1 Kings 8:61; 11:1–11) pg 52

Liahona Magazine:

What I Have Learned about Repentance (Digital Only) pg Digital Only

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Introduction Paragraph pg 113


King Solomon and His Many Wives (Week 26, Part 5/5)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 Kings 11:9-11. pg 115


Flashback Episode: Alma 14-16 – TRUE Friends

Closing Prayer

Saturday, June 25th –
I must do God’s work His way

Sunday School ManualBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Sunday School Manual:

1 – We must do God’s work in His way. (2 Samuel 6:1-8) pg 51
a – Bullet #1
2 – Steadying the ark. (Additional Resources) pg 52


Uzzah Dies From Touching the Ark (Week 26, Part 1/5)

Closing Prayer

Sunday, June 26th –


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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