Study Outlines

January 8th-14th: 1 Nephi 1-5

Monday, January 8th:

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

DMT – Word of the Week

Big Picture Monday with Cali Black find it on her YouTube Channel Here

1 Nephi 1

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, January 2nd:

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

1 Nephi 2

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, January 3rd:

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

1 Nephi 3

Closing Prayer

Thursday, January 4th:

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

1 Nephi 4

Closing Prayer

Friday, January 5th:

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

1 Nephi 5

Closing Prayer

Saturday, January 6th:

Weekly RVVL with David Butler & Stephan Taeger

This Is Kingdom with Grace, Talon, TJ, and Hollis

Sunday, January 7th:

Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Grace Freeman

DRAWN IN Book of Mormon Episode: 1 Nephi 1-5 Go & Do || The Journey Begins

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