Study Outlines

October 17th-23rd: Jeremiah 30-33; 36; Lamentations 1; 3

This approach is working so much better for us!

I was personally struggling spiritually. I could see Heavenly Father’s hand in my life but He seemed so far away. This method of study has helped me to turn to Him and my Savior Jesus Christ and begin the process of rebuilding the close relationship we once had.

To be able to cover the prompts from the Come Follow Me Manuals we didn’t really read the chapters, we just looked at the pointed out verses. Now we are truly IN the scriptures. My kiddos are excited to pull theirs out and happy to take a turn reading! They ask questions, they make comments, they initiate discussions and/or participate in them.

I hope that this experience helps you see that if something isn’t working for you, find a different way, don’t walk away. Sometimes you cry out in desperation and He helps you see what you are unknowingly looking for, sometimes it takes multiple tries.

Resource List
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Monday, Oct 17th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

DMT – Timeline picture & Word of the Week

Big Picture Monday with Cali Black

IM – The Babylonian Captivity (24-1)

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, Oct 18th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Jeremiah 30:1-9
OTSG (30:2), (30:3), (30:6-7), & (30:8-9)

Read Jeremiah 30:10-24
OTSG – Summary of (30:10-24)

Read Jeremiah 31:1-6
OTSG (31:3), (31:4-5), & (31:6)

Read Jeremiah 31:7-14
OTSG (31:8), (31:9), & The Angel Moroni Quoted from Prophecies of Jeremiah to Joseph Smith

Read Jeremiah 31:15-30
OTSG (31:15), (31:18-20), (31:22), & (31:29-30)

Read Jeremiah 31:31-34
OTSG (31:31), (31:33) & The Day Will Come When All Will Know Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 31:34)

Read Jeremiah 31:35-40
OTSG – Summary of Jeremiah 31:35-40

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, Oct 19th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Jeremiah 32:1-5
OTSG – Summary of Jeremiah 32:1-5
IM (24-15)

Read Jeremiah 32:6-15
OTSG (32:12-14)
IM (24-16)

Read Jeremiah 32:16-25
OTSG – Summary of Jeremiah 32:16-25

Read Jeremiah 32:26-35
OTSG (32:34-35)

Read Jeremiah 32:36-44
IM (24-17)
OTSG (32:37-44) & What Can We Do to Assist in the Gathering of Israel? (Jeremiah 32:37-44)

Read Jeremiah 33
OTSG – Summary of Jeremiah 33, Summary of Jeremiah 34, Summary of Jeremiah 35, & Who Were the Rechabites? (Jeremiah 35)

Closing Prayer

Thursday, Oct 20th –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

Read Jeremiah 36:1-10
OTSG (36:1), (36:2-4), (36:4), & (36:7)

Read Jeremiah 36:11-19
OTSG – Summary of Jeremiah (36:11-19)

Read Jeremiah 36:20-26
OTSG (36:20-26)

Read Jeremiah 36:27-32
OTSG (36:27-31)
IM – NOT (24-21)

Closing Prayer

Friday, Oct 21st –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

IM (24-26)
OTSG – Introduction to The Lamentations of Jeremiah

Read Lamentations 1:1-11
OTSG (1:1), (1:1-5), (1:5-8), (1:8-9), (1:10-11)

Read Lamentations 1:12-17
OTSG (1:12), (1:13-15), (1:14), (1:17)

Read Lamentations 1:18-22
IM (24-27)
OTSG (1:18), (1:19), & (1:20-22)

Read Lamentations 3
OTSG – Summary of Lamentation 2-4

Closing Prayer

Saturday, Oct 22nd –

Opening Song
Opening Prayer

DRAWN IN Bonus Episode: Fails round 11

Closing Prayer

Sunday, Oct 23rd –

Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

DRAWN IN Old Testament Episode: Jeremiah 30-31 – DRAW Near (Unto Him)

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