Lesson Plan Outlines

May 30th-June 5th: Judges 2-4; 6-8; 13-16

There is only 1 article left from the May friend this week, it is in Thursday’s lesson plan.
We don’t have our physical copies of the magazines so no page numbers this week.

Monday, May 30th –
The Lord offers deliverance when I stray

Individuals & Families ManualLiahona MagazineDRAWN INBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

The 12 tribes

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Judges 2:10 pg 103
2 – The Lord offers deliverance when I stray. (Judges 2:1-19; 4:1-16) pg 102
a – Paragraphs 1 & 2

Liahona Magazine:

1 – Addiction Recovery: Possible through Christ
2 – Prophetic Teachings about Our Bodies (Digital Only)


The Apostasy Cycle in the Book of Judges (Week 23, Part 1/5)


Flashback Episode: Alma 53-58 – Helaman’s Warriors FIRM and UNDAUNTED

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, May 31st –
Jesus Christ is my Savior

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Friend Magazine
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Jesus Christ Is My Savior.

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ is my Deliverer. (Judges 3:7-9, 12-15) pg 90
a – Possible Activity #1

Sunday School Manual:

The Lord offers deliverance when we stray. (Judges 2:11-19; 3:5-12; 4:1-16) pg 45
a – Bullet #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Judges 3:7-10 pg 103

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Jesus Christ is my Savior. (Judges 3:9) pg 89
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ is my Deliverer. (Judges 3:7-9, 12-15) pg 90
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine:

1 – Jesus Said
2 – For Little Friends

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, June 1st –
I can be faithful to the Lord even if others are not

Opening Song
Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O)For the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Deborah the Prophetess

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can be faithful to the Lord even if others are not. (Judges 4:1-15) pg 90-91
a – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

The Lord offers deliverance when I stray. (Judges 2:1-19; 4:1-16) pg 102
a – Paragraph 3

Sunday School Manual:

The Lord offers deliverance when we stray. (Judges 2:11-19; 3:5-12; 4:1-16) pg 45
a – Bullet #3

Friend Magazine:

1 – Come, Follow Me Activities – Deborah and the Palm Tree
2 – Women in the Old Testament

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

Women of Faith – Deborah from the Bible


The Pride Cycle in the Book of Judges (Week 23, Part 2/5)

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can be faithful to the Lord even if others are not. (Judges 4:1-15) pg 90-91
a – Possible Activity #2

Closing Prayer

Thursday, June 2nd –
God’s ways are different from the world’s ways

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend MagazineDRAWN INBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Primary Manual Activity Page

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

The Lord can use small things to do great work. (Judges 6:11-16; 7:1-8) pg 90
a – Possible Activity #3

Primary Manual (Older Children):

God’s ways are different from the world’s ways. (Judges 7) pg 91
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Judges 7 pg 103

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

The Lord can use small things to do great work. (Judges 6:11-16; 7:1-8) pg 90
a – Possible Activity #1


The Story of Gideon in the Bible (Week 23, Part 3/5)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Judges 6:13-16, 25-30 pg 103
2 – The Lord can work miracles when I trust in His ways. (Judges 6-8) pg 102

Sunday School Manual:

The Lord can work miracles when we trust in His ways. (Judges 6-8) pg 45-46
a – Bullet #1

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

The Lord can use small things to do great work. (Judges 6:11-16; 7:1-8) pg 90
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine: (May)

Conference Show & Tell (Conference Is For You) pg 6-7

Friend Magazine:

1 – Backstage Drama
2 – Hi Friends!
3 – The Firewood Race

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:


Liahona Magazine:

A Safe Flight Through Life (US and Canada Section)


Old Testament Episode: Judges 6-7 – STAND in Your Place

Closing Prayer

Friday, June 3rd –
Strength comes from faithfulness to my covenants with God

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualLiahona MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:


Individuals & Families Manual: 

Judges 13:5 pg 103

Friend Magazine:

1 – 10 Ways to Take Care and Feel Great
2 – Why Should I Take Care of My Body?
3 – Healthy Choices
4 – Matt and Mandy

Sunday School Manual:

1 – Strength comes from faithfulness to our covenants with God. (Judges 13-16) pg 46
a – Bullet #1
2 – Additional Resources – A lesson from Samson’s life. pg 46


1 – The Origin Story of Samson in the Bible (Week 23, Part 4/5)
2 – The Story of Samson in the Bible (Week 23, Part 5/5)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Strength comes from faithfulness to my covenants with God. (Judges 13-16) pg 102

Liahona Magazine:

Pride vs Humility: Are You Looking Sideways or Looking Up? (Digital Only: Young Adults)

Closing Prayer

Saturday, June 4th –
Who were Baal and Ashtaroth?

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School Manual
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Sunday School Manual:

The Lord offers deliverance when we stray. (Judges 2:11-19; 3:5-12; 4:1-16) pg 45
a – Bullet #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Who were Baal and Ashtaroth? (Judges 2:13) pg 102
2 – Introduction Paragraph pg 101

Closing Prayer

Sunday, June 5th –


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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