Lesson Plan Outlines

May 9th-15th: Numbers 11-14; 20-24

The May edition of the Liahona and For the Strength of Youth magazines are Conference editions, so they are not included this month. I did allow articles from April to trickle over throughout May as they fit into the topics.

The Friend magazine is not dedicated to Conference so it is included as usual.

Monday, May 9th –
I can be thankful for what God has given me

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (Y)Friend Magazine (May)BOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Forty Years in the Wilderness

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can be thankful for what God has given me. (Numbers 11:4-10) pg 77
a – Possible Activity #1


The Children of Israel Complain (Week 20, Part 2/7)

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can be thankful for what God has given me. (Numbers 11:4-10) pg 77
a – Intro Paragraph

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Numbers 11:4-6. pg 88

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can be thankful for what God has given me. (Numbers 11:4-10) pg 77
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine: (May)

Come, Follow Me Activities – Gratitude Game (Come, Follow Me) pg 10

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Introduction Paragraph pg 86

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, May 10th –
Speaking against the Lord’s prophet offends the Lord

Sunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O)Friend Magazine (May)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Prophets Speak For Heavenly Father

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord wants me to follow His prophet. (Numbers 12) pg 78
a – Possible Activity #1

Friend Magazine: (May)

Finding Peace in Your Heart (Conference Is For You) pg 2-3

Sunday School Manual:

Speaking against the Lord’s prophet offends the Lord. (Numbers 12) pg 39
a – Bullet #1

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord wants me to follow His prophet. (Numbers 12) pg 78
a – Possible Activity #2

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, May 11th –
With faith in the Lord, I can have hope for the future

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (Y)Liahona Magazine (April)Friend Magazine (May)DRAWN INBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Joshua and Caleb Brought Back a Good Report coloring page

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Faith can help me not be afraid. (Numbers 13:17-33; 14:6-9) pg 77-78
a – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

With faith in the Lord, I can have hope for the future. (Numbers 13-14) pg 87


1 – The Twelve Israelite Spies (Week 20, Part 3/7)
2 – Spies and Tassels (Week 20, Part 4/7)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Numbers 13-14. pg 88

Sunday School Manual:

With faith in the Lord, we can have hope for the future. (Numbers 13-14) pg 39-40
a – Bullet #1

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Faith can help me not be afraid. (Numbers 13:17-33; 14:6-9) pg 77-78
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine: (May)

1 – Tom and the Terrible Flue (For Older Kids) pg 34
2 – A Prayer in the Storm (For Little Friends) pg 44

Liahona Magazine: (April)

Rebel Not, Neither Fear (Come, Follow Me) pg 45


Old Testament Episode: Numbers 11-14 – “Another Spirit”

Closing Prayer

Thursday, May 12th –
I can look to Jesus Christ

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona Magazine (April)Friend Magazine (May)BOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Primary Manual Activity Page

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can look to Jesus Christ. (Numbers 21:6-9) pg 78
a – Possible Activity #1

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ has the power to heal me spiritually. (Numbers 21:4-9) pg 79
a – Possible Activity #1


1 – The Bronze Serpent (Week 20, Part 6/7)
2 – Why Was Moses Not Allowed Into Promised Land? (Week 20, Part 5/7)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

If I look to Jesus Christ in faith, He can heal me spiritually. (Numbers 21:4-9) pg 87

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ has the power to heal me spiritually. (Numbers 21:4-9) pg 79
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can look to Jesus Christ. (Numbers 21:6-9) pg 78
a – Possible Activity #2

Sunday School Manual:

If we look to Jesus Christ in faith, He can heal us spiritually. (Numbers 21:4-9) pg 40
a – Bullet #1

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Jesus Christ has the power to heal me spiritually. (Numbers 21:4-9) pg 79
a – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Numbers 21:4-9. pg 88

Friend Magazine: (May)

Hi Friends! (For Little Friends) pg 42

Liahona Magazine: (April)

To Live, Look to God and Trust in Him (US & Canada Section) pg U2

Closing Prayer

Friday, May 13th –
I can follow God’s will, even if others try to persuade me not to

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (O)Friend Magazine (May)DRAWN INBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

I Can Make Good Choices

Individuals & Families Manual: 

I can follow God’s will, even if others try to persuade me not to. (Numbers 22-24) pg 87-88

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can follow God’s will, even if others try to persuade me not to. (Numbers 22-24) pg 79
a – Possible Activity #1


Balaam and Balak (Week 20, Part 7/7)

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can follow God’s will, even if others try to persuade me not to. (Numbers 22-24) pg 79
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine: (May)

I Want to Live the Gospel (Come, Follow Me) pg 17


Flashback Episode: Mosiah 11-13 – Dare to Stand… Alone

Closing Prayer

Saturday, May 14th –
Revelation is available to all, but God guides His Church through His prophet

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Sunday School Manual:

“Moses was very meek.” (Numbers 12:3) pg 39
a – Bullet #1
b – Bullet #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Numbers 12:3. pg 88
2 – Revelation is available to all, but God guides His Church through His prophet. (Numbers 11:11-17, 24-29; 12) pg 87


The Priestly Benediction (Week 20, Part 1/7)

Closing Prayer

Sunday, May 15th-


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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