Lesson Plan Outlines

Mar 21st-27th: Exodus 1-6

Monday, March 21st –
Jesus Christ is our Deliverer.

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualLiahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Jesus Loves Me

Sunday School Manual:

Jesus Christ is our Deliverer. (Exodus 1-2) pg 25
a – Bullet #1

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

1 – God Can Help Us in Hard Times pg 17
2 – Come unto Me (Poster) pg inside back cover

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Jesus Christ is my Deliverer. (Exodus 1-2) pg 56

Liahona Magazine:

I Choose to Hear Him (Latter-Day Saint Voices: Women of Faith) pg 23

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Who is Jehovah? (Exodus 6:3) pg 57


1 – Jesus Calls Himself “I Am” (Week 13, Part 3/7)
2 – The Sacred Name of God (Week 13, Part 6/7)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Exodus 5:2. pg 57

Liahona Magazine:

The Gospel in Their Bones (US & Canada Section) pg U12

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, March 22nd –
Who am I, and who does God want me to become?

Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

I Am a Spirit Child of Heavenly Father

YW & AP Manual:

1 – Prepare Yourself Spiritually
2 – Learn Together
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Bullet #1


Moses: An Imperfect Man of God (Week 13, Part 5/7)

YW & AP Manual:

Learn Together
a – Bullet #2
b – Bullet #3


Flashback Episode: JSH 1:27-65 – Buried Treasure

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, March 23rd –
The Lord will help me accomplish His will.

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Moses and the burning bush

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Jesus will help me do good things. (Exodus 3) pg 49-50
a – Possible Activity #1

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord will help me accomplish His will. (Exodus 3-4) pg 51
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

God gives power to those He calls to do His work. (Exodus 3-4) pg 56

Sunday School Manual:

As we do the Lord’s work, we can have the Lord’s power. (Exodus 3-4) pg 25
a – Bullet #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Exodus 4:1-9. pg 57


Moses Learns to Trust God (Week 13, Part 4/7)

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Jesus will help me do good things. (Exodus 3) pg 49-50
a – Possible Activity #2
b – Possible Activity #3

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord will help me accomplish His will. (Exodus 3-4) pg 51
a – Possible Activity #3

Friend Magazine:

1 – Meet Alice from Fiji (Come, Follow Me) pg 18-19
2 – Jesus Cared for the Sick (Come, Follow Me) pg 20
3 – Hello from Fiji! (Come, Follow Me) pg 21
4 – Good to Share (For Little Friends) pg 44-45
5 – Ludovic’s Piano (For Older Kids) pg 34
6 – The Bike Prank (Come, Follow Me) pg 14
7 – The Snack-Stand Superheros (Come, Follow Me) pg 22

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

Connect – Adam L pg inside front cover

Liahona Magazine:

Serving in Church Callings pg 10

Closing Prayer

Thursday, March 24th –
The women in Moses’s life.

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFriend MagazineBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Primary Manual Activity Page

Baby Moses Maze

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God can work through me to fulfill His purposes. (Exodus 1-2) pg 49
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Older Children):

God works through each of us to fulfill His purposes. (Exodus 1-2) pg 50
a – Possible Activity #1

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God can work through me to fulfill His purposes. (Exodus 1-2) pg 49
a – Possible Activity #1

Friend Magazine:

Come, Follow Me Activities – Service Basket (Come, Follow Me) pg 7

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Exodus 1-2. pg 57

Friend Magazine:

1 – Scripture Hero Cards – Shiphrah and Puah (Come, Follow Me) pg 11
2 – Make a Basket for Baby Moses! (Come, Follow Me) pg 12

Liahona Magazine:

The Women Who Followed Jesus from Galilee pg 15


1 – The Women in Moses’ Life (Week 13, Part 2/7)
2 – Moses’s Amazing Family (Week 13, Part 7/7)

Primary Manual (Older Children):

God works through each of us to fulfill His purposes. (Exodus 1-2) pg 50
a – Possible Activity #2

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God can work through me to fulfill His purposes. (Exodus 1-2) pg 49
a – Possible Activity #2

Closing Prayer

Friday, March 25th –
The Lord’s purposes will be fulfilled in His own time.

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualLiahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineDRAWN INBOMC
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Coloring Page:

Moses talks to Pharaoh

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Introduction Paragraph pg 55
2 – The Lord’s purposes will be fulfilled in His own time. (Exodus 5-6) pg 56

Sunday School Manual:

1 – The Lord’s purposes will be fulfilled in His own time. (Exodus 5:4-9, 20-23; 6:1-13) pg 26
a – Bullet #1
2 – We serve others for the Lord. pg 26

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

“What should I do when I feel like my efforts to share the gospel aren’t making a difference?” (Q&A) pg 22

Liahona Magazine:

Run the Race with Patience pg U14


Israel’s Enslavement in Egypt (Week 13, Part 1/7)

For the Strength of Youth Magazine:

In Cagayan, Philippines pg 20


Old Testament Episode: Exodus 1-4 – Your Mortal Mission

Closing Prayer

Saturday, March 26th –
I can be reverent in holy places.

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFriend Magazine
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Invite Sharing
Friend Magazine:

1 – Family Treasure Hunt (Come, Follow Me) pg 16
2 – Connect and Color (Come, Follow Me) pg 31

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can be reverent in holy places. (Exodus 3:1-5) pg 50
a – Possible Activity #3
b – Possible Activity #1

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can be reverent in holy places. (Exodus 3:1-5) pg 51
a – Possible Activity #2

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I can be reverent in holy places. (Exodus 3:1-5) pg 50
a – Possible Activity #2

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can be reverent in holy places. (Exodus 3:1-5) pg 51
a – Possible Activity #1

Sunday School Manual:

We should show reverence for holy things and places. (Exodus 3:5) pg 26
a – Bullet #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Exodus 3:1-6. pg 57

Liahona Magazine:

What Is Reverence, Really? (Digital Only: Young Adults) pg 38

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can be reverent in holy places. (Exodus 3:1-5) pg 51
a – Possible Activity #3

Closing Prayer

Sunday, March 27th –


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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