Lesson Plan Outlines

Dec 27th-Jan 2nd: Moses 1; Abraham 3

We do not have a physical copy of The Friend Jan 2022 magazine yet, so the page number might be a little off (I used the numbers listed on the images online). If you do not have the physical copies of the Jan 2022 magazines and can not see them in the Gospel Library app, I recommend accessing them on the Church’s website using a COMPUTER (my phone kept opening the app even when pulling them up in the browser), the link can be found on the resources page.

Monday, December 27th – Intro to the Old Testament

Individuals & Families ManualLiahona Magazine (Jan)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Jan)Friend Magazine (Jan)DRAWN IN
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Reading the Old Testament (Thoughts to keep in mind) pg 1-2
2 – How did we get the books of Moses and Abraham? pg 5

Liahona Magazine: (Jan)

The Book of Abraham: A Most Remarkable Gift for Our Time (US & Canada Section) pg U2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Introduction Paragraph pg 3

Friend Magazine: (Jan)

1 – I Can Read the Old Testament (Reading Chart) pg ~24-26
2 – Find It! pg 31

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Jan)

Finding Jesus Christ in the Old Testament (Come, Follow Me) pg 20

Liahona Magazine: (Jan)

1 – Beginnings and the Old Testament (Welcome to This Issue) pg 2
2 – Finding Jesus Christ in the Old Testament pg 12
3 – The Blessings of Studying the Old Testament (Come, Follow Me) pg 42


Old Testament… INTRO Getting the MOST out of DRAWN IN

Closing Prayer

Tuesday, December 28th – I can resist Satan’s influence

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School Manual Primary Manual (O)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Jan)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can resist Satan’s temptations. (Moses 1:12-26) pg 2-3
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #1

Sunday School Manual:

We can resist Satan’s influence. (Moses 1:12-23) pg 1-2
a – Bullet #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Moses 1:18. pg 5
2 – I can resist Satan’s influence. (Moses 1:12-26) pg 4

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Jan)

Viviena K. (Connect) pg inside front cover

Sunday School Manual:

1 – We can resist Satan’s influence. (Moses 1:12-23) pg 1-2
a – Bullet #1
2 – Don’t Doubt what has been revealed to you. (Additional Resources) pg 2

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I can resist Satan’s temptations. (Moses 1:12-26) pg 2-3
a – Possible Activity #2

Closing Prayer

Wednesday, December 29th – God’s work and glory is to help me gain eternal life

Individuals & Families Manual Primary Manual (O)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Dec & Jan)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Older Children):

I am a child of God, and He wants to help me return to Him. (Moses 1:4, 30, 37-39; Abraham 3:22-28) pg 2
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

God’s work and glory is to help me gain eternal life. (Moses 1:27-39; Abraham 3) pg 4

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Jan)

“They Are Mine and I Know Them” (Come, Follow Me) pg 13

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Dec)

A Special Christmas in South America pg 12

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Moses 1:4, 30-39. pg 5

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Jan)

1 – Trust in the Lord (2022 Youth Theme) pg 14
2 – Trust in the Lord Song (2022 Youth Theme) pg 16
3 – Trust in the Lord Poster (2022 Youth Theme) pg inside back cover

Closing Prayer

Thursday, December 30th – I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona Magazine (Dec)Friend Magazine (Dec & Jan)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 1
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 3
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #1

Sunday School Manual:

As children of God, we have a divine destiny. (Moses 1:1-10, 37-39; Abraham 3:22-26) pg 1

Friend Magazine: (Jan)

Come, Follow Me Activities Our Heavenly Home (Come, Follow Me) pg 6

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 1
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Sunday School Manual:

This life is our opportunity to show that we will do what God commands. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 2
a – Bullet #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Were others besides Abraham “chosen before [they were] born”? (Abraham 3:22-23) pg 4-5

Friend Magazine: (Dec)

Church History Cards pg 18

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

How We Gather Israel Today (Latter-day Saint Voices) pg 20

Closing Prayer

Friday, December 31st – As a child of God, I have a divine destiny

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona Magazine (Dec)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Jan)Friend Magazine (Dec & Jan)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Invite Sharing pg 1

Friend Magazine: (Jan)

I Am a Child of God Coloring Page (For Little Friends) pg 48

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

I am a child of God. (Moses 1:1-4, 6) pg 1
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #1
c – Possible Activity #2
d – Possible Activity #3

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Moses 1:2-6; Abraham 3:11-12. pg 5

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 3
a – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

As a child of God, I have a divine destiny. (Moses 1) pg 4

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

1 – Understanding Your Divine Identity (Young Adults) pg 42
2 – Learning to Feel God’s Love for Me (Young Adults) pg 44

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Jan)

God’s Plan of Happiness and Your Divine Destiny pg 3

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

Three Lessons from Studying the Doctrine and Covenants pg 34

Friend Magazine: (Dec)

My Year in Review (For Older Kids) pg 38

Friend Magazine: (Jan)

What’s on Your Mind? (For Older Kids) pg 37

Closing Prayer

Saturday, January 1st – This life is our opportunity to show that we will do what God commands

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Friend Magazine (Dec & Jan)DRAWN IN
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Older Children):

1 – I am a child of God, and He wants to help me return to Him. (Moses 1:4, 30, 37-39; Abraham 3:22-28) pg 2
a – Intro Paragraph
2 – I lived with Heavenly Father before I was born. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 3
a – Possible Activity #3

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Heavenly Father wants me to live with Him again. (Moses 1:39) pg 2
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #2
c – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Abraham 3:24-26. pg 5

Friend Magazine: (Dec)

Elder Soares Speaks to Children pg 10

Primary Manual (Older Children):

I am a child of God, and He wants to help me return to Him. (Moses 1:4, 30, 37-39; Abraham 3:22-28) pg 2
a – Possible Activity #3

Friend Magazine: (Jan)

Before We Came to Earth (Come, Follow Me) pg 10

Sunday School Manual: 

This life is our opportunity to show that we will do what God commands. (Abraham 3:22-28) pg 2
a – Bullet #1


Old Testament Episode: Moses 1 – I am a son of God

Closing Prayer

Sunday, January 2nd – Share


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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