Lesson Plan Outlines

Nov 29th-Dec 5th Doctrine & Covenants 137-138

Our December magazines are not here yet, so there are no page numbers for the Liahona and Youth December magazines. The Friend has images of the page spreads in the app so I listed those page numbers, but they might not line up.

This week Drawn In is focusing on “Brigham Young becoming the new prophet, the Saints pioneer trek to the Salt Lake Valley (D&C 136), and what we can liken from them in OUR ‘treks’ through life with our families.” Since this focus doesn’t go with a specific topic in the outline I put them on the days that my kiddos prefer. Feel even more free to move them around and watch them on the days that work best for your family!

Monday November 29th

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualLiahona Magazine (Dec)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Dec)Drawn In
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Sunday School Manual:

Introduction Paragraph

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Dec)

Our Gift of Hope

Sunday School Manual:

1 – Additional Resources – God’s plan provides a way for all of His children to accept the gospel.
2 – Every soul will have the opportunity to choose celestial glory. (D&C 137; 138:32-37)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Every soul will have the opportunity to choose celestial glory. (D&C 137) pg 207
2 – Introduction Paragraph pg 206-207

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

What does the Doctrine and Covenants teach about life after death? (Come, Follow Me)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Doctrine and Covenants 138:38-55. pg 208
2 – Doctrine and Covenants 137:5-10. pg 208

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

Family History Helps Our Ancestors

Sunday School Manual:

The work of salvation continues after death. (D&C 138:12-60)
a – Bullet #2

Drawn In: 

D&C Episode: 136 Westward HO!(Down)

Closing Prayer

Tuesday November 30th

Individuals & Families Manual Primary Manual (O)Liahona Magazine (Dec)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Older Children):

All of Heavenly Father’s children will have the chance to hear the gospel. (D&C 138:12-35) pg 195
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #1
c – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

The work of salvation is happening on both sides of the veil. (D&C 138:25-60) pg 207-208
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Bullet #1

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

Christmas and the Gathering of Israel

Closing Prayer

Wednesday December 1st

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School Manual Primary Manual (Y)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

All of Heavenly Father’s children will have the chance to hear the gospel. (D&C 138:18-35) pg 194
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Doctrine and Covenants 138:12-24. pg 208
2 – The work of salvation is happening on both sides of the veil. (D&C 138:25-60) pg 207-208
a – Bullet #2

Sunday School Manual:

The work of salvation continues after death. (D&C 138:12-60)
a – Bullet #1

Closing Prayer

Thursday December 2nd

Primary Manual (Y)Liahona Magazine (Dec)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Dec)Friend Magazine (Dec)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

All of Heavenly Father’s children will have the chance to hear the gospel. (D&C 138:18-35) pg 194
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine: (Dec)

1 – The Church around the World (For Little Friends) pg 44
2 – Jesus Loves Us All (For Little Friends) pg 45

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Dec)

Sharing the Christmas Gift

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

Family History, Temples, and Missionary Work: Powerful Partners in Gathering Israel

Closing Prayer

Friday December 3rd

Individuals & Families ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Friend Magazine (Nov)Drawn In
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God has given me a way to be with my family forever. (D&C 137:1-5) pg 193
a – Intro Paragraph

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Doctrine and Covenants 137:1-5. pg 208

Primary Manual (Older Children):

God has given me a way to be with my family forever. (D&C 137:1-5) pg 194-195
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2
c – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God has given me a way to be with my family forever. (D&C 137:1-5) pg 193
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine: (Nov)

1 – The Nauvoo Temple (For Little Friends) pg 42-44
2 – Families Are Forever (For Little Friends) pg 45
3 – Elder Gong and the Temple (Conference is for Me!) pg 14

Drawn In: 

BoM Flashback Episode: Helaman 1-6 Light & Darkness

Closing Prayer

Saturday December 4th

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School ManualPrimary Manual (O&Y)Liahona Magazine (Nov & Dec)For the Strength of Youth Magazine (Nov & Dec)
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

The Holy Ghost can help me understand the scriptures. (D&C 138:6-11) pg 193-194
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Older Children):

When I ponder the scriptures, the Holy Ghost can help me understand them. (D&C 138:1-11) pg 195
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #1

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

The Holy Ghost can help me understand the scriptures. (D&C 138:6-11) pg 193-194
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Primary Manual (Older Children):

When I ponder the scriptures, the Holy Ghost can help me understand them. (D&C 138:1-11) pg 195
a – Possible Activity #2

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Nov)

The Faith to Ask and Then to Act pg 9

Liahona Magazine: (Nov)

The Faith to Ask and Then to Act (Saturday Evening Session) pg 74

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Dec)

How can I have the courage to follow through with spiritual promptings? (Questions and Answers)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Reading and pondering the scriptures prepares me to receive revelation. (D&C 138:1-11, 25-30) pg 207

Liahona Magazine: (Dec)

A Vision of the Spirit World (United States and Canada Section)

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Nov)

Daily Restoration pg 25

Liahona Magazine: (Nov)

Daily Restoration (Sunday Morning Session) pg 77

Sunday School Manual:

Reading and pondering the scriptures prepares us to receive revelation. (D&C 138:1-11, 25-30)
a – Bullet #2
b – Bullet #1

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: (Dec)


Closing Prayer

Sunday December 5th


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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