Lesson Plan Outlines

Nov 22nd–28th Doctrine & Covenants 135–136

Monday November 22nd

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School Manual Primary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineDrawn In
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. (D&C 135:1-2) pg 189
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. (D&C 135) pg 190
a – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Introductory Paragraph pg 202

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. (D&C 135:1-2) pg 189
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Doctrine and Covenants 135:1, 3. pg 204

Sunday School Manual:

Joseph and Hyrum Smith sealed their testimonies with their blood. (D&C 135, 136:37-39)

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Joseph and Hyrum Smith sealed their testimonies with their blood. (D&C 135, 136:37-39) pg 203

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: 

Trust Again pg 30

Liahona Magazine:

Trust Again (Sunday Afternoon Session) pg 97

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ. (D&C 135) pg 190
a – Possible Activity #2

Drawn In: 

BoM Flashback Episodes:
1 – Mosiah 11-13 Dare to Stand… …Alone
2 – Mosiah 13-17 The RIPPLE Effect

Closing Prayer

Tuesday November 23rd

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School Manual Primary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend MagazineDrawn In
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. (D&C 135:3) pg 189-190
a – Intro Paragraph

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Joseph Smith has done more for our salvation than anyone except Jesus Christ. (D&C 135:3) pg 203

Primary Manual (Older Children):

Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. (D&C 135:3) pg 191
a – Possible Activity #1

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. (D&C 135:3) pg 189-190
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Sunday School Manual:

Joseph Smith has done more for our salvation than anyone except Jesus Christ. (D&C 135:3)
a – Bullet #3
b – Bullet #1
c – Bullet #2

Individuals & Families Manual: 

Doctrine and Covenants 135:3. pg 204

Friend Magazine:

Meeting the Prophet (Conference is for Me!) pg 28

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. (D&C 135:3) pg 189-190
a – Intro Paragraph
b – Possible Activity #2

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: 

The Need for a Church pg 7

Liahona Magazine:

The Need for a Church (Saturday Morning Session) pg 24

Drawn In: 

D&C Episode: 135 Praise to the Man

Closing Prayer

Wednesday November 24th

Individuals & Families ManualSunday School Manual Primary Manual (O&Y)Liahona MagazineFor the Strength of Youth MagazineFriend Magazine
Opening Song
Opening Prayer
Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God gives us commandments to help us. (D&C 136) pg 190
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord can bless me when I am struggling. (D&C 136:4, 10-11, 18-30) pg 191
a – Intro Paragraph

Primary Manual (Younger Children):

God gives us commandments to help us. (D&C 136) pg 190
a – Possible Activity #1
b – Possible Activity #2

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord can bless me when I am struggling. (D&C 136:4, 10-11, 18-30) pg 191
a – Possible Activity #1

Individuals & Families Manual: 

The Lord gives me counsel for my “journeyings” in life. (D&C 136) pg 203

Sunday School Manual:

We can accomplish the Lord’s will as we follow His counsel. (D&C 136)
a – Bullet #1

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: 

Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness pg 22

Liahona Magazine:

Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness (Saturday Evening Session) pg 61

Individuals & Families Manual: 

1 – Doctrine and Covenants 136. pg 204
2 – Doctrine and Covenants 136:4. pg 204

Primary Manual (Older Children):

The Lord can bless me when I am struggling. (D&C 136:4, 10-11, 18-30) pg 191
a – Possible Activity #2

Friend Magazine:

The Baptism Journal (Conference is for Me!) pg 26

For the Strength of Youth Magazine: 

The Savior’s Abiding Compassion pg 13

Liahona Magazine:

The Savior’s Abiding Compassion (Saturday Morning Session) pg 13

Friend Magazine:

Andrew Jenson (For Older Kids) pg 32

Sunday School Manual:

We can accomplish the Lord’s will as we follow His counsel. (D&C 136)
a – Bullet #2

Closing Prayer

Thursday November 25th

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday & Saturday November 26th & 27th

Are there any previous lessons you missed that you want to get caught up on?
Our magazines arrived late this month, so we will be going back to do all of the Family History activities in the Friend Magazine.

Sunday November 28th


Don’t Miss This with David Butler & Emily Belle Freeman

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